Screen Graphics | VFX | Compositing | Title Design
As the creators of RST's internal graphics, we had a unique opportunity to design and implement an array of over 55 animated assets whose primary function was to fabricate a believable virtual reality in the unconscious mind of Bloodshot. This included designing the look of bespoke 3D applications, editing software and data analysis systems which would be operated by RST programmers. These advanced programs were designed to function beyond the average editing suite, with the ability to alter Bloodshot's visual, auditory, olfactory, semantic, and kinesthetic responses to the virtual environment.
RST's end goal is to fabricate an intensely believable memory within Bloodshot's brain, eliciting a powerful emotional response strong enough to seek revenge on his enemies. Guided by the overarching vision of director Dave Wilson, and working closely with the film's VFX Supervisor Chris Harvey and VFX Producer Dione Wood, we finaled more than 20 minutes of bespoke animated assets.
Design and Storytelling Reel
Rising Spirit Technology
Welcome to the headquarters of RST, Rising Spirit Technology. Specializing in cybernetic enhancements, we have the capability to not only repair disabled US military personnel, but to upgrade their abilities beyond what anyone thought possible. The crown jewel of RST technology is Ray Garrison, aka Bloodshot, a soldier successfully brought back from death with the help of nanite technology.
You don't need a history to have a future.
Dr. Emil Harting

Where Are We?
Location-based graphics became a cornerstone for the visual storytelling of the film, just as important for the audience to keep track of where we are, as it was for the characters using the tech to track down Bloodshot. Exemplified in the moments of satellite tracking, we chose to depict live data sets of all the cars and pedestrians in the city. With Tibbs' eye-in-the-sky, we animated six video feeds stitching together into one 3D element, giving him the ability to follow the rapid movement of Bloodshot more closely than with satellites.
Title Design
In addition to creating assets for the film, we were also given the opportunity to create the film's Main On End Title Sequence. Our objective was to send the audience diving into the virtual worlds and program interfaces created by RST, shown with a behind-the-scenes feel. To make this possible, we utilized dense LiDAR scans of film production sets and real world locations.
Main On End Title Sequence
Credits List
Client Sony Pictures
Visual Effects Supervisor Aaron Eaton
Executive Producer Sean Cushing
Visual Effects Producer Grace Hendley
Visual Effects Coordinator Sabrina Julemiste
Design \ Animation Jayse Hansen, Alan Torres, Carly Cerquone, Matt Eaton, Tony Lupoi, Julianne Dome, Andrew Hawryluk, Nate Jess, Shawn Lee, Alex Liou, Ryan Massiah, George Moise, Cisco Torres