The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
HUD Design | Screen Graphics | Compositing
Because The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is a series grounded in both look and feel, our goal was to create graphics that are integrated and believable, seamlessly intertwining the story with the technology of the Marvel Universe.
Cantina was tasked with breathing life into the tech devices for 67 shots throughout the six episode series. We worked closely with VFX Supervisor Eric Leven, maintaining a collaborative connection between the editorial department, Director Kari Skogland and Marvel Studios.
Design & Animation
Heads-Up Display
Falcon HUD
This is the first time audiences have seen the POV of Falcon's HUD, which gave us the opportunity to design it from the ground up. The base look of the Falcon HUD is rooted in military aviation design, less flashy and more utilitarian than Tony Stark's HUDs. As Sam Wilson undergoes his transformation into Captain America, so does his HUD. After he dons his new suit created by the Wakandans, we catch a glimpse of his redesigned HUD; a more patriotic palette, with sleeker, more advanced tech.
Redwing HUD Design
Redwing's HUD is unique because it represents the eye of an AI computer system. All of the information in the display is related to his AI processes and diagnostics, and isn't designed to be read by a human eye. Redwing goes through a similar transformation as Falcon late in the series, redesigned with more advanced AI capabilities, with hints of Wakandan design.
Symbols are nothing without the women and men that give them meaning.
Sam Wilson
Credits List
Client Marvel Studios
VFX Supervisor Aaron Eaton
VFX Producer Donna Cullen
Cantina Executive Producer Sean Cushing
Artists Kristoffer Brady, Wes Caefer, Ramiro Galan, Zachary Kinney, Tony Lupoi